Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Night to Remember...

Tonight my father and I went to see "Million Dollar Quartet", and it was amazing!

Here's a video of one of the songs, not the same cast that I saw though...

to be honest, i prefer the cast that was here in Rochester to that in this video, but you can't mess with such perfect music as this...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Sad Start...

I was going to do a fun happy post, but first thing in the morning O&A made the very sad announcement that one of my favorite comedians, Patrice ONeal, suffered a stroke last week. This sincerely has effected me all day.

If you are a fan, please send some love by sending a message to

Until next time, here is one of my favorite segments featuring Patrice.

love and buttons, CAS

Naughty Blogger

I am soooo sorry - work has been INSANE and when I come home the last thing I've felt like doing is sitting at a computer and writing...but I'm back!
I've leveled things out at work, and so I'm able to get back to doing what I love: reading, puzzle books, working out, and BLOGGING!
I've got some nifty stuff planned coming up, and will even try my hand at videos.
First good post going up tonight!
see you then, love and buttons, CAS