Tonight my father and I went to see "Million Dollar Quartet", and it was amazing!
Here's a video of one of the songs, not the same cast that I saw though...
to be honest, i prefer the cast that was here in Rochester to that in this video, but you can't mess with such perfect music as this...
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
A Sad Start...
I was going to do a fun happy post, but first thing in the morning O&A made the very sad announcement that one of my favorite comedians, Patrice ONeal, suffered a stroke last week. This sincerely has effected me all day.
If you are a fan, please send some love by sending a message to
Until next time, here is one of my favorite segments featuring Patrice.
love and buttons, CAS
patrice oneal
Naughty Blogger
I am soooo sorry - work has been INSANE and when I come home the last thing I've felt like doing is sitting at a computer and writing...but I'm back!
I've leveled things out at work, and so I'm able to get back to doing what I love: reading, puzzle books, working out, and BLOGGING!
I've got some nifty stuff planned coming up, and will even try my hand at videos.
First good post going up tonight!
see you then, love and buttons, CAS
I've leveled things out at work, and so I'm able to get back to doing what I love: reading, puzzle books, working out, and BLOGGING!
I've got some nifty stuff planned coming up, and will even try my hand at videos.
First good post going up tonight!
see you then, love and buttons, CAS
Friday, September 30, 2011
On the way to work...
I've always been an early riser, since I was a kid. Don't know why, but that's just who I am. I also like to dawdle in the morning, I like to be able to do something exciting or useful before I actually have to be somewhere - I guess it psychs me up for work...or whatever.
Anyhoo, here's some shots of my pre-work life, taken over a couple of days...
Here's me in my car...I actually think this is a good photo of me if I don't look at it for too long...
Oh Starbucks! How do I love thee...spinach feta egg white wrap and tall bold blend w/2% milk (if I ever put milk in anything it has to be as whole as possible...otherwise why bother?)
My digital photo frame, a gift from my hermano last x-mas, I put loads of pictures of pretty flowers, castles, and tea parties on it - because that's what I like to look shame!
My caffeine mug from, I love it so much, and also the Tazo Zen tea inside of it...
I am almost always wearing my kickass noise-cancelling headphones while working...I have a very chatty coworker and if I didn't have these I'd go crazy...(if you look behind my head in this pic you can see a leftover balloon from my cube-mate's luncheon)
Took these this morning, the pictures do not do today's sunrise justice. I was in my car, and the guy in front of me must have thought I was insane while taking these...
Well that's pretty much what I do before work: drive around looking at the sunrise, caffeinating, and acquiring delicious foodstuffs...
shall post again soon! now back to the netflix... ~cas
A Bridal Shower...
Yesterday our company held a bridal luncheon for my cube-mate, Lindsey. She's getting married next month to a wonderful guy, and I'm very happy for her.
Here are some of the decorations, her wedding color was purple...
Here she is writing the answers to one of the games "How well do you know the Bride?"...a lot of people thought her favorite color was purple, even me!'s pinkBut I won anyway! These kitchen towels, oddly enough, go perfectly with my paint scheme in my kitchen (will post pics of the kitchen in a later post)...
The cake was actually quite good, which is a rarity for me...
Here's Lindsey afterwards, with her giant rock of a ring*, reading the heartfelt wishes of those she works with...
Here's her engagement story:
They were watching a Phillies game when Vinny (the groom) asked her to come downstairs to pick a bottle of wine to drink during the game. She was annoyed at first because the game was really exciting, but she went anyway. As they started down the stairs to the wine cellar she saw that there were candles lining the way to the room, and that's where he went down on one knee and proposed. They missed the rest of the game, the Phillies lost that night, but Lindsey and Vinny won the next step in their lives together.
*full disclosure: I made her pose her hand that way so you could see the ring. She's really quite modest.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
full night's sleep
Since I was a kid I've had terrible insomnia - it's difficult for me to stay asleep, which means sometimes I'm up at an absurd hour of the morning.
I'm starting a new rule for myself though - no matter what, I have to stay in bed until my alarm goes off. This will allow me to go back to sleep if I can.
What do you do to get a good night's rest?
sleep morning rest
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
back pain and book reading

So here I am, in complete and utter pain and want to just fall asleep in a fog of wine and pleasant thoughts - but nay nay! I wish to post!
I was attempting to do this workout when I totally strained my lumbar spine...I've done a variation of the workout before - but this time I was learning how to do the high knees with the jump rope:
And the past two days my back has not let me forget it. I even had to bow out of a concert invite because I have not been able to stand or sit comfortably at all (I've braced myself with two glasses of vino before even attempting this venture - just imagine how painful work is!)
Hopefully everything will be healed by the weekend so I can see some Pride parade and life can get back to normal...or at least I can get back to my workouts (I miss them...and really LOVE
- PLEASE NOTE, THIS INJURY IS MY FAULT AND SHOULD HAVE DONE THIS WITH PROPER FORM - I have done plenty of these workouts without an issue.
So now to books - after re-reading the Mantra for Murder series (see my first post) I felt the pull towards another "cozy" series - and I found the Coffee House Mysteries, picking up the first three volumes with a gift card (and it doesn't hurt that they're $8 a pop in the first place).

I've read the first book since Saturday - so they do flow quickly, and to be honest - they didn't make it easy to solve. I even wrote who I thought was the killer in the front cover with the date - and I was wrong (which almost never happens)!

Hoping the second book is good, and the third is better - sometimes you need to really get into a series before you can tell if you like it or not (I read all four Twilight books in a week and felt jilted - there!).
Next time I want to talk about my weird favorite radio stations and some apps I love...any requests?
cozy coffee back pain twilight
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
nails and namaste
Today I want to share with everyone two of my great loves: nail polish and yoga.

What are some of your favorite nail colors? And when do you like to wear them?
Switching themes, now onto yoga. Like a good nap, yoga is the refresher of a day. It can prepare your body and mind to sit at a desk while people yell at you - and it can clear your mind and unwind your spine afterwards. Or it can have the effects of a warm bubble bath before bed.
I've been practicing yoga off and on for nearly 14 years, having started just after I had my son - and fell in love at first asana.
Of the bazillions of poses, there are bazillions of modifications. It just takes time, a little bit of effort, and a lot of listening to your body.
So check out some poses and meditations and see what it can do for you! Even though I may never be able to do this pose - after every session I feel like I could.

(p.s. - never thought I'd have occasion to use "bubble bath" twice in one post...)
These two things have nothing to do with each other, but I've had a rough day and wanted to write about something that makes me happy!
Firstly, I love to wear black. I've worn mostly black clothing since I was a tween (therefore accused of being both a witch and a lesbian in middle school - but who wasn't?). Anyhoo, I also love to wear black nailpolish - it makes my beat up fingers and toes look awesome -
if it's done the right way!

Firstly, I love to wear black. I've worn mostly black clothing since I was a tween (therefore accused of being both a witch and a lesbian in middle school - but who wasn't?). Anyhoo, I also love to wear black nailpolish - it makes my beat up fingers and toes look awesome -
if it's done the right way!

Please note: any funky color can be worn successfully as long as your nails are nice and short, well filed into a squoval shape (if you don't know what that is consult your google).
Now I know what you're thinking - but cas, what about in an office setting?
I wear it at the office too! I'm fortunate to have a position where I'm not face to face with clients all that often, and as I said above - funky colors look nice on nice nails!
And when work really gets hectic, I switch to perhaps the only brownish color I own - it's called caffeine fix and helps inspire me to crack open the Red Bull and get to work!
But it's not always appropriate to wear the black or the bold - and in those instances, my favoritest favoritest color is by Essie called Sugar Daddy. It's the Bubble Bath of the Essie collection and will always be in my basket.
I wear it at the office too! I'm fortunate to have a position where I'm not face to face with clients all that often, and as I said above - funky colors look nice on nice nails!
And when work really gets hectic, I switch to perhaps the only brownish color I own - it's called caffeine fix and helps inspire me to crack open the Red Bull and get to work!

What are some of your favorite nail colors? And when do you like to wear them?
Switching themes, now onto yoga. Like a good nap, yoga is the refresher of a day. It can prepare your body and mind to sit at a desk while people yell at you - and it can clear your mind and unwind your spine afterwards. Or it can have the effects of a warm bubble bath before bed.
I've been practicing yoga off and on for nearly 14 years, having started just after I had my son - and fell in love at first asana.
Of the bazillions of poses, there are bazillions of modifications. It just takes time, a little bit of effort, and a lot of listening to your body.
So check out some poses and meditations and see what it can do for you! Even though I may never be able to do this pose - after every session I feel like I could.

(p.s. - never thought I'd have occasion to use "bubble bath" twice in one post...)
Monday, July 11, 2011
too hot & a tartan cape?

okay it's about 90 degrees outside, and i'm sweating like crazy - but i'm still going to attempt to keep up with a daily blog (except for cottage days bien sur)
so anyhoo, while researching some family history i discovered that not supremely distantly i'm part scottish (classic mutt talking here) and my family is of the Clark clan. In addition i've discovered that the tartan is beautiful - look!

love love love it! and there are a plethora of sites where you can order clothing and kilts and bags, etc in your clan's tartan - and since it's so hot i thought of when it will be cold again...which then made me think of a fancy cloak/ is my dream one
which then, of course...led me to this clip...must be the heat
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Back to the grind stone...
I've just come off of a week's vacation - and in the first 4 days I re-read these three books. They are the classic "cozy" type murder mysteries that often are found in a rented cabin - except this time those books were placed there by me.
My family has a beautiful tiny cottage in Honeoye NY, and I've stocked the shelves with some of my old books, and plenty of easy-read mysteries (as well as some "I've always meant to read that" classics).
Taking a vacation is vital to being productive at work. Yes, using your PTO for multiple long weekends seems better than long stretches - but if that's how you operate may I please suggest every other year just taking a full week and saying "bugger all!"?
My sweetie and I have never had a mutual paid week off before - and let me tell you, after nearly 10 years it was well overdue!
So, tomorrow - back to work. I've got all of my work clothes cleaned, straightened up those spots around the house that you always mean to straighten up (given the time...), and am almost excited to get back to the routine.
I take this to mean that I've successfully rested and refreshed myself for the next however many weeks until the next office holiday.
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